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URGENT! Increase funding to local authorities to protect the provision of school nurses – Petitions

Dear Colleagues,

We would urgently ask you to sign this petition and encourage stakeholders, service users and other relevant public to do the same. Cuts to School Nursing service MUST STOP NOW.


Pre COVID we were already struggling to support many children, young people and families with their health issues and now, with exponential rises in mental health problems, child protection, poverty and much more, we find we are under immense pressure and without the resources needed; our children deserve better!

Hampshire County Council have proposed major cuts to Health Visiting, School Nursing and other public health services and a very dangerous model of practice; we fear should this be allowed to go ahead this will provide a blueprint for other Councils to do the same.

Letter to Councillor MansLetter to Michael Brodie

We are lobbying tirelessly to address this. Please also respond to this consultation – your voice really does matter!

Hampshire County Council is seeking residents’ and stakeholders’ views on proposals to make changes to some Public Health services

Public Health Consultation 2021

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